This is the second part of my introspection post, that i had promised long back. People say, some are born poor and are deprived of all the basic necessities of life. Why do people born in poor families suffer and others born with a silver spoon indulge in all the material pleasures of life. Here comes my take on this. Life gives everybody his share of pain and pleasures. The person born in the rich family may not be blessed with the mental serenity as people who live carelessly and jovially even in the most abject circumstances. A rustic farmer doesn’t need Z-grade security nor he is a subject of so called lifestyle diseases, but yes he struggles to make both his ends meet, to send his children to school, to marry his daughter, to pay off the loan he has. Still, he has the gift of a good night’s sleep. I repeat what I said in my earlier posts - Life has its own idiosyncratic way of leveling things around.
Obsession with money and material pleasures makes you forget the basic essence of life – those titillating moments when you offer a seat to an old woman in the bus, smile on your mother’s face when you are home, the broken lisp of your niece/nephew. People make money and then instead of being satisfied, want even more and then screw up. In the end, they are left with a heap of notes and nothing else.
What to do in this case then? I don’t think I have the best solution, but I would suggest balancing out life or otherwise life will balance you out. How to do that? Here, do whatever that makes you happy and yes, if making money makes you happy, please do it. This is the basic thumb rule that I tried to work out for myself, may be it will work for you too.
Signing Off,
Simply SK